• Added a new section named Challenges. It contains info about the challenges scores for each section. Updates after every game.
• Visual update of Player mastery and Champion mastery.
• Visual update of Personal records.
• Fixed names not being properly sorted in the player selector due to uppercase and lowercase letters at Match history.
• Added more filters to Match history. Now you may filter by champ, player and/or queue. Choosing 2 or more filters will instead show all matches that meet that criteria. Note that high volume of games will slow down the loading of the website.
• Added a new section named Match history. It contains info about the last 30 games for different queues. More functionalities will be added to it in the future.
• Added ladder rank to soloq and flexq. The ladder rank displays your position as the game does, a player with more LP but on a lower tier will appear as second. The LP rank shows the true position, a player with more LP but on a lower tier will appear as first.
• Added an icon to show when someone will promote or demote, to or from, Challenger or Grandmaster on both soloq and flexq.
• Visual update of Records.
• Added the ladder rank when hovering over the current rank while being Master and above on both soloQ and flexQ. The ladder rank updates every time you finish a game or once every hour. This rank is based on LP, meaning even if you're Master, if your LPs are higher than a Grandmaster, you will be above. In that way, it's easy to know if someone is going to promote to Grandmaster or Challenger, based on the rank. On EUW there can only be 300 Challengers and 700 Grandmasters at a time.
• Fixed an In-game section bug that was causing early remakes to be taken into account for the stats being displayed. Those games will now be ignored as they have no relevance.
• Fixed an In-game section bug that was causing some KDA stats to be displayed in more than one line.
• Visual update of soloQ and flexQ.
• Navigation menu record buttons are now functional.
• Navigation menu now has a new style.
• New stats added to the In-game card.
• New style updated for In-game section.
• Fixed errors when sorting by champion in Records and Personal records sections.
Personal mastery will show by default a ranking sorted by mastery points when no player was selected.
• Fixed errors when sorting by date in Records and Personal records sections.
The website updates every 4 minutes.    →    The website updates every minute or less (mastery section will still be updated every 10 minutes as before).
• Added the column 'Match' to Records. It shows which patch the game was played in and has a link to the game.
• Added a new section named Mastery. It contains info about each champion mastery and updates every 10 minutes.
• Added a new section named Personal Mastery. It contains info about each player mastery stats and updates every 10 minutes.
• Added a new section named Personal records. It contains info about each player best record in each category, even if not top 5. Only soloQ games count, same as records.
• All past soloQ games have been scanned and saved. Now they count towards Records.
• Categories 'Bought pinks' and 'Placed pinks' have been deleted from Records due to the little relevance they had.
• Categories 'KDA' and 'CS/Min' have been added to Records.
• Last 100 soloQ games have been scanned and saved from each player. Now they count towards Records.
• Added a new section named Records. It contains the top 5 players for each category. Only soloQ games count.
• Added mastery information about the champion being played at In-game.
• Added the current game time at In-game.
• Added player profile picture next to the name.
• Instead of ✔️, now a picture of the champion being played will be displayed.
• Deleted column 'Profile'. Instead, each player's name has a link to their profile.
The website updates every 2 minutes.    →    The website updates every 4 minutes (due to the increase of information being displayed).
• Added column 'Last 3 games' where it displays the result of last 3 games in that specific queue, soloQ or flexQ.
• Added a new section named In-game. It displays the people currently playing.
• Updated tables design across whole website.
• Now some columns can be sorted when clicked on them.
• Increased image resolution of the different tiers.
SoloQ and flexQ will also display losing streak of 3 or more games with 🧊.
• Added column 'In-game' to SoloQ and flexQ.